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STYL'One Nano WipCon®

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The STYL’One Nano is designed to work under negative pressure with the connexion of a vacuum cleaner and as such, the standard execution does offer a clean working environment. For applications requiring a higher level of operator safety, the system is offered in WipCon® containment executions.

The STYL’One Nano WipCon® offers full high containment and a Wash-in-Place execution.

The STYL’One Nano WipCon® can also be safely operated with the isolator opened when working with non-hazardous material.

  • Targeted OEL: < 1 µg/m3 (OEB 5)
  • Automatic negative pressure control and monitoring
  • Ventilated pass-through box, continuous liner or RTP port to bring material in and out
  • Three gloves each on front and rear door
  • Integrated vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter
  • Safe cleaning with integrated vacuum wand and spray guns
  • Safe operation even when the operator performs other tasks inside the isolator like measuring tablet weight and hardness or preparing the next experiments
  • Possible integration of an IP65 tablet tester or scale
  • Compatible with all STYL’One Nano accessories and software modules

laptop laboratory gloves

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