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Usage of compaction simulators for the powder compression characterization – advantages and limitations

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Compaction simulators are crafted as machines capable of conducting a thorough analysis of the powder compaction process. The detailed examination of powder compression and compaction, along with material characterization, assumes a crucial role in formulating and designing manufacturing processes. It also establishes a robust knowledge foundation for scaling up tablet compression and troubleshooting in subsequent stages of the product lifecycle. While compaction simulators aim to replicate the compression process on high-speed tablet presses, offering the advantages of minimal material requirement and advanced instrumentation, there are limitations in extrapolating process parameters from these machines to high-speed rotary tablet presses. Nevertheless, the utility of compaction simulators remains evident in investigating fundamental compression and compaction mechanisms, pinpointing critical material attributes and process parameters, and understanding their relationships with tablet characteristics and the critical quality attributes of pharmaceutical products. This stands in contrast to the application of small excentre tablet presses and complements the use of small rotary tablet presses. This scientific paper presents an overview and illustrative examples highlighting the various advantages offered by the instrumentation of compaction simulators, while acknowledging certain limitations in their application.
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