Benefits of an optimal tabletability DC Mannitol on compression setting parameters
This case study presented during the 14th PBP World Meeting discusses the challenges associated with tablet production, particularly focusing on the issue of tablet capping and the need for high compression forces or precompression when formulating tablets with certain APIs.
It introduces a new granulated mannitol grade, PEARLITOL® 200 GT, optimized for improved tabletability to address these challenges. The study compares the performance of this new grade with the commonly used PEARLITOL® 200 SD when formulating tablets with sertraline as a model API.
Compression studies were carried out on a MEDELPHARM STYLCAM 200R using a KORSCH XL 400 profile.
The results show that GTman significantly reduces the occurrence of capping and allows for the production of tablets without the need for high compression forces or precompression. This improvement in tabletability offers benefits for industrial tablet production, including reduced punch wear and increased production output.

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